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The Security Council Informal Working Group on Documentation and Other Procedural Questions (IWG) was established in June 1993 to improve the process by which the Security Council addresses issues concerning its documentation and other procedural questions. The Working Group meets as agreed by members of the Security Council and makes recommendations, proposals and suggestions concerning the Council's documentation and other procedural questions.

The Informal Working Group has drafted a series of documents concerning the working methods of the Security Council, including measures to enhance its efficiency, transparency and interactivity, which have been adopted by the Security Council as Notes by the President. The Note by the President of 13 December 2024 (S/2024/507, also known as Note 507), drafted under the Chairmanship of Japan, is the most comprehensive compilation of these measures, incorporating 15 presidential notes on the working methods of the Council adopted since the last issuance of Note 507 in August 2017. The latest Note 507 also introduced revised language on, among other matters, the value of briefers under rule 39 of the provisional rules of procedure and the need to ensure their full, safe and meaningful participation, the principle of full access to relevant documentation of the Council for all members of the Council and the procedure for requesting access thereto, strengthening collaboration of the Council with the Peacebuilding Commission, and the inclusion of special reports on the use of the veto in the annual report of the Council to the General Assembly.

Click here for a comprehensive list of all notes by the President issued by the Security Council on working methods since 1993.

On 30 December 2022, the Informal Working Group issued the first annual report on its work, covering the year 2022, since its establishment in 1993.