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The ad hoc Working group on Conflict Prevention and Resolution in Africa has its origins in the Statement by the President of the Security Council of 31 January 2002 (S/PRST/2002/2 Document PDF), in which the Security Council recognized the need for adequate measures to prevent and resolve conflicts in Africa, and expressed its intention to consider setting up an ad hoc Working Group to monitor the recommendations contained in the same Presidential statement. The Terms of Reference for the ad hoc Working group were agreed on 1 March 2002, and the body has been active since that time.

The current Chair of the ad hoc Working group on Conflict Prevention and Resolution in Africa is Ambassador Pedro Comissário Afonso  (Mozambique), with the delegation of Sierra Leone serving as Vice-Chair.

Additional information regarding the ad hoc Working group on Conflict Prevention and Resolution in Africa is available by clicking on the links found on the left hand side of the screen. The group’s mandate and working methods are set out below. 


  • To monitor the implementation of recommendations contained in the presidential statement S/PRST/2002/2 Document PDF and previous presidential statements and resolutions regarding conflict prevention and resolution in Africa.
  • To propose recommendations on the enhancement of cooperation between the Security Council and the Economic and Social Council as well as with other United Nations agencies dealing with Africa.
  • To examine, in particular, regional and cross-conflict issues that affect the Council’s work on African conflict prevention and resolution.
  • To propose recommendations to the Security Council to enhance cooperation in conflict prevention and resolution, between the United Nations and regional (OAU) and subregional organizations.


Methods of Work

  • The Working Group will hold informal meetings.
  • Decisions will be taken by consensus.
  • The Chairman of the Working Group will report to the Council whenever appropriate.
  • The Security Council will conduct a review of the progress of the work of the Working Group against its mandate not later than six months from its establishment.