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I. Relevant Security Council resolutions and Guidelines of the Committee

The exemptions to the travel ban are provided for by the following:

  • Security Council Resolution 2140 (2014): paragraph 16
  • Security Council Resolution 2511 (2020): paragraph 3
  • Committee Guidelines: Section 9

II. Who is entitled to submit the request for exemptions from the travel ban?

The State(s) of destination, the State(s) of transit and the State(s) of which the listed individual is a national or a resident may submit the request to the Chair in writing, on behalf of the listed individual, through their Permanent Mission to the United Nations. The request may also be submitted through the relevant United Nations office.

III. What should be included in the request for exemption from the travel ban?

The following information, with accompanying documents to the extent possible, should be included:

  1. The full name, designation, nationality and passport number(s) of the person(s) undertaking the proposed travel;
  2. The purpose(s) of the proposed travel, with copies of supporting documents furnishing details connected to the request, such as specific dates and times of meetings or appointments;
  3. The proposed dates and times of departure from and return to the country from which the travel commenced;
  4. The complete itinerary for such travel including the ports of departure and return and all transit stops;
  5. Details of the mode of transport to be used, including where applicable, record locator, flight numbers and names of vessels;
  6. A statement of specific justification for the exemption.

Each travel ban exemption request shall be received by the Committee Chair as early as possible but not less than fifteen working days before the date of the proposed travel, except where humanitarian consideration requires a shorter period.

IV. How to make requests for exemptions from the travel ban?

Please send the requests for exemptions from the travel ban to:

  • The Chair of the Committee,  His Excellency Mr. Joonkook Hwang (Republic of Korea) through the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations

With copy to:


V. Decision Making of the Committee

In cases where the Committee has approved a request for exemption from the travel ban, the Secretariat will notify in writing the Permanent Missions to the United Nations of the State in which the listed individual is resident, the State of nationality, the State(s) to which the listed individual will be travelling, and any transit State, as well as any United Nations office involved, to inform them of the approved travel, itinerary and timetable.

VI. Request for an extension of the exemption from the travel ban

Any request for an extension of the exemption is subject to the procedures set out above and needs to be received by the Chair in writing, with a revised itinerary, no less than five working days before the expiry of the approved exemption.

VII. Changes to the approved exemption from the travel plan

Any changes to the information provided in the request, including with regard to points of transit, require further consideration by the Committee and need to be received by the Chair no less than five working days prior to the commencement of the travel, except in cases of emergency, as determined by the Chair.

The submitting State (or United Nations office) will inform the Chair immediately and in writing of any change to the departure date for any travel for which the Committee has already issued an exemption.

Written notification will be sufficient in cases where the time of departure is advanced or postponed no more than 48 hours and the itinerary remains otherwise unchanged. If travel is to be advanced or postponed by more than 48 hours, or the itinerary is changed, then a new exemption request needs to be submitted.

For exemption requests based on medical or other humanitarian need, including religious obligation, the Committee will determine whether the travel is justified within the provisions of paragraph 16 of resolution 2140 (2014), once informed of the name of the traveller, the reason for travel, the date and time of treatment, along with flight details, including transit points and destination(s). In cases of emergency medical evacuations, the notifying authority will also need to promptly provide doctor’s note containing details of the nature of the medical emergency and the facility where treatment was received by the patient, without prejudice to respect of medical confidentiality, as well as information regarding the date, time, and mode of travel by which the patient returned or would return to his/her country of residence.

VIII. After the travel

Written confirmation of the completion of the travel by the listed individual needs to be provided to the Chair within five working days following the expiry of the exemption by the State in which the listed individual resides or by the relevant United Nations office.

IX. Exemption to the travel ban pursuant to paragraph 16 (d) of resolution 2140 (2014)

Where, pursuant to paragraph 16(d) of resolution 2140 (2014), a State determines on a case-by-case basis that entry into or transit through its territory is required to advance peace and stability in Yemen, it will subsequently notify the Committee within 48 hours after making such a determination.