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Document SymbolDate of SubmissionDocument Title
S/2024/914 13 December 2024Final report of the Panel of Experts on Libya submitted in accordance with resolution 2701 (2023)



15 September 2023Final report of the Panel of Experts on Libya submitted in accordance with resolution 2644 (2022)



27 May 2022Final report of the Panel of Experts on Libya submitted in accordance with resolution 2571 (2021)





8 March 2021Final report of the Panel of Experts on Libya submitted in accordance with resolution 2509 (2020) 
S/2019/914 Document PDF9 December 2019Final report of the Panel of Experts on Libya submitted in accordance with resolution 2441 (2018)

S/2018/812/corr.1 Document PDF

S/2018/812 Document PDF

5 September 2018Final report of the Panel of Experts in accordance with paragraph 14 of resolution 2362 (2017).
S/2017/466 Document PDF1 June 2017Final report of the Panel of Experts in accordance with paragraph 13 of resolution 2278 (2016).
S/2016/209 Document PDF4 March 2016Final report of the Panel of Experts in accordance with paragraph 24 (d) of resolution 2213 (2015).
S/2015/128 Document PDF23 February 2015Final report of the Panel of Experts in accordance with paragraph 13 (d) of resolution 2144 (2014).
S/2014/106 Document PDF15 February 2014Final report of the Panel of Experts in accordance with paragraph 14 (d) of resolution 2095 (2013).
S/2013/99 Document PDF15 February 2013Final report of the Panel of Experts in accordance with paragraph 10 (d) of resolution 2040 (2012).
S/2012/163 Document PDF17 February 2012Final report of the Panel of Experts in accordance with paragraph 24 (d) of resolution 1973 (2011).