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S/2023/896 Letter dated 20 November 2023 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council appointing, pursuant to resolution 2701 (2023), six experts to serve on the Panel of Experts
S/2022/618 Letter dated 12 August 2022 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council appointing, pursuant to resolution 2644 (2022), six experts to serve on the Panel of Experts

S/2021/469 Document PDF

Letter dated 14 May 2021 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council appointing, pursuant to resolution 2571 (2021), six experts to serve on the Panel of Experts.

S/2020/203 Document PDF

Letter dated 10 March 2020 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council appointing, pursuant to resolution 2509 (2020), six experts to serve on the Panel of Experts.

S/2019/5 Document PDF Letter dated 2 January 2019 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council appointing, pursuant to resolution 2441 (2018), six experts to serve on the Panel of Experts.
S/2017/650 Document PDF Letter dated 27 July 2017 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council appointing, pursuant to resolution 2362 (2017), six experts to serve on the Panel of Experts.
S/2016/504 Document PDF Letter dated 31 May 2016 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council appointing, pursuant to resolution 2278 (2016), a sixth expert to serve on the Panel of Experts.
S/2016/443 Document PDF
Letter dated 12 May 2016 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council appointing, pursuant to resolution 2278 (2016), five of six experts to serve on the Panel of Experts.
S/2015/299 Document PDF Letter dated 29 April 2015 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council appointing, pursuant to resolution 2213 (2015), six experts to serve on the Panel of Experts.
S/2014/680 Document PDF Letter dated 17 September 2014 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council appointing, pursuant to resolutions 2144 (2014) and 2146 (2014), a regional expert to serve on the Panel of Experts.
S/2014/288 Document PDF Letter dated 17 April 2014 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council appointing, pursuant to resolutions 2144 (2014) and 2146 (2014), six experts to serve on the Panel of Experts.
S/2013/602 Document PDF Letter dated 16 October 2013 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council appointing, pursuant to resolution 2095 (2013), an arms expert/Coordinator to serve on the Panel of Experts.
S/2013/256 Document PDF Letter dated 30 April 2013 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council appointing, pursuant to resolution 2095 (2013), a fifth expert to serve on the Panel of Experts.
S/2013/212 Document PDF Letter dated 3 April 2013 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council appointing, pursuant to resolution 2095 (2013), four of five experts to serve on the Panel of Experts.
S/2012/240 Document PDF Letter dated 18 April 2012 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council appointing, pursuant to resolution 2040 (2012), five experts to serve on the Panel of Experts.
S/2011/377 Document PDF Letter dated 21 June 2011 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council appointing, pursuant to resolution 1973 (2011), an eighth expert to serve on the Panel of Experts.
S/2011/313 Document PDF Letter dated 16 May 2011 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council appointing, pursuant to resolution 1973 (2011), a seventh expert to serve on the Panel of Experts.
S/2011/293 Document PDF Letter dated 10 May 2011 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council appointing, pursuant to resolution 1973 (2011), six experts to serve on the Panel of Experts.