I. Relevant Security Council resolutions and Guidelines of the Committee
The exemptions to the travel ban are provided for by the following:
- Security Council Resolution 1970 (2011): paragraph 16
- Committee Guidelines: Section 9
II. Who is entitled to submit the request for exemptions from the travel ban according to paragraph 16 (a) and (c)?
The State of nationality or residence of the listed individual may submit the request to the Chair in writing, on behalf of the listed individual, through its Permanent Mission to the United Nations. The listed individual may submit the request to the Chair in writing through the relevant United Nations office.
III. What are the exemptions to the travel ban, and how are they invoked?
There are different types of exemption to the travel ban, two of which require a notification to and the approval of the Committee:
For travel on humanitarian grounds, including religious obligation: notification to and approval by the Committee.
- For the fulfilment of a judicial process.
- For travel to further the objectives of peace and national reconciliation in Libya and stability in the region: notification to and approval by the Committee.
- Entry or transit required to advance peace and stability in Libya: notification to the Committee within 48 hours of such a determination having been made by a State.
IV. What should be included in the request for exemption from the travel ban according to paragraph 16 (a) and (c)?
- The following information, with accompanying documents to the extent possible, should be included: The name, designation, nationality and passport number(s) of the person(s) undertaking the proposed travel;
- the purpose(s) of the proposed travel, with copies of supporting documents furnishing details connected to the request, such as specific dates and times of meetings or appointments;
- the proposed dates and times of departure from and return to the country from which the travel commenced;
- the complete itinerary for such travel including the ports of departure and return and all transit stops and timetable, including for all transit stops;
- details of the mode of transport to be used, including where applicable, record locator, flight numbers and names of vessels.
Except in cases of emergency, to be determined by the Chair, all requests shall be received by the Chair no less than five working days before the commencement date of the proposed travel.
V. How to make requests for exemptions from the travel ban according to paragraph 16 (a) and (c)?
Please send the requests for exemptions from the travel bans to:
- The Chair of the Committee, His Excellency Mr. Kazuyuki Yamazaki, through the Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations.
With copy to:
- Senior Committee Secretary, Ms. Sana Khan (SC-1970- Committee@un.org)
VI. Decision Making of the Committee
In cases where the Committee approves requests for exemptions to the travel restrictions, the Chair will write to the Permanent Mission to the United Nations of the State of which the listed individual is a national or resident or to the relevant UN office, informing them of the approval. Copies of the approval letter will also be sent to the Permanent Missions to the United Nations of all State(s) to which the listed individual will be traveling and transiting in the course of the approved exemption.
VII. Request for an extension of the exemption from the travel ban according to paragraph 16 (a) and (c)
Any request for extension(s) of exemptions approved by the Committee pursuant to paragraph 16 (a) or paragraph 16 (c) of resolution 1970 (2011) is subject to the procedures set out above and shall be received by the Chair in writing, with a revised itinerary, no less than five working days before the expiry of the approved exemption.
VIII. Changes to the approved exemption from the travel plan according to paragraph 16 (a) and (c)
Any changes to the required travel information previously submitted to the Committee, particularly the points of transit, shall require prior approval of the Committee and shall be received by the Chair and circulated to the Committee members no less than five working days prior to the commencement of the travel, except in cases of emergency, as determined by the Chair.
The submitting State shall inform the Chair in writing immediately in the event of advancement or postponement of travel for which the Committee has already issued an exemption. Submission to the Chair of written notification will be sufficient in cases where the time of departure is advanced or postponed no more than 48 hours and the previously submitted itinerary remains otherwise unchanged. If travel is to be advanced or postponed more than 48 hours before or after the date previously approved by the Committee, then a new exemption request must be submitted, and should be received by the Chair and circulated to Committee members.
In cases of emergency medical evacuations the Chair shall also be promptly provided with a doctor’s note containing details of the nature of the medical emergency and the facility where treatment was received by the patient, as well as information regarding the date, time, and mode of travel by which the patient returned or will return to his/her country of residence.
IX. Exemption to the travel ban pursuant to paragraph 16 (d) of resolution 1970 (2011)
Where, pursuant to paragraph 16 (d) of resolution 1970 (2011), a State determines on a case-by-case basis that entry into or transit through its territory is required to advance peace and stability in Libya, it will subsequently notify the Committee within 48 hours after making such a determination.