Resolution link | Resolution Date | Unofficial Description |
S/RES/2680 (2023) | Extends the mandate of the Panel of Experts until 30 April 2024 |
S/RES/2627 (2022) | Extends the mandate of the Panel of Experts until 30 April 2023 |
S/RES/2569 (2021) | Extends the mandate of the Panel of Experts until 30 April 2022 |
S/RES/2515 (2020) | Extends the mandate of the Panel of Experts until 30 April 2021 | |
S/RES/2464 (2019) | Extends the mandate of the Panel of Experts until 24 April 2020 |
S/RES/2407 (2018) | Extends the mandate of the Panel of Experts until 24 April 2019 |
S/RES/2397 (2017) | Strengthens the measures regarding the supply, sale or transfer to the DPRK of all refined petroleum products, including diesel and kerosene, with very specific preconditions and follow-up actions required by Member States, the 1718 Committee and the Committee Secretary. Reduces the allowed maximum aggregate amount for 12 months beginning on 1 January 2018 to 500,000 barrels (and twelve-month periods thereafter); Introduces a limit of 4 million barrels or 525,000 tons in the aggregate amount per a twelve-month period as of 22 December 2017 allowed for the supply, sale or transfer of crude oil by Member States to the DPRK. Member States are required to report the amount of crude oil provided to the DPRK to the 1718 Committee every 90 days; Expands sectoral sanctions by introducing a ban on DPRK’s export of food and agricultural products, machinery, electrical equipment, earth and stone including magnesite and magnesia, wood and vessels. The resolution also prohibits the DPRK from selling or transferring fishing rights; Introduces a ban on the supply, sale or transfer to the DPRK of all industrial machinery, transportation vehicles, iron, steel and other metals with the exception of spare parts to maintain DPRK commercial civilian passenger aircraft currently in use; Strengthens the ban on providing work authorizations for DPRK nationals by requiring Member States to repatriate all DRPK nationals earning income and all DPRK government safety oversight attachés monitoring DPRK workers abroad within their jurisdiction within 24 months from 22 December 2017. Member States are required to submit a midterm report after 15 months from 22 December and a final report after 27 months from 22 December to the Committee of all DPRK nationals that were repatriated based on this provision; Strengthens maritime measures to address the DPRK’s illicit exports of coal and other prohibited items as well as illicit imports of petroleum through deceptive maritime practices by requiring Member States to seize, inspect and freeze any vessel in their ports and territorial waters for involvement in prohibited activities. The provision ceases to apply if the Committee decides, on a case-by-case basis, after six months of impounding a vessel that adequate arrangements have been made to prevent future violations of the relevant resolutions; Strengthens vessel-related provisions by prohibiting the provision of insurance or re-insurance services to and requiring Member States to de-register any vessels involved in illicit activities. The resolution further prohibits Member States from providing classification services to such vessels and expands the ban on the supply, sale or transfer of vessels to the DPRK to also include used vessels; Decides that Member States should improve mutual information-sharing on suspected attempts by the DPRK to supply, sell, transfer or procure illicit cargo, and tasks the Committee, with the support of the Panel of Experts, to facilitate timely coordination. The resolution also introduces a requirement for Member States to notify the Committee of relevant identifying information as well as measures taken to carry out appropriate actions as authorized by the relevant provisions with regard to vessels in their territory or on the high seas designated as subject to the assets freeze, the port entry ban or other relevant measures; Clarifies that no provision in the resolution applies to the existing Russia-DPRK Rajin-Khasan port and rail project for solely exporting Russia-origin coal to other countries; Designates an additional 16 individuals and one entity. |
S/RES/2375 (2017) | Introduces a full ban on the supply, sale or transfer of all condensates and natural gas liquids to the DPRK; Introduces a limit for all refined petroleum products in terms of the amount allowed (for supply, sale or transfer to the DPRK) with very specific preconditions and follow-up action required by Member States, the 1718 Committee and the Committee Secretary; Introduces restrictions on the supply, sale or transfer of crude oil to the DPRK in any period of 12 months after the adoption of the resolution in the amount that is in excess of the amount Member States supplied in the period of 12 months prior to the adoption of the resolution (11 September 2017); Introduces a ban on the export by the DPRK of textiles (including fabrics and partially or fully completed apparel products); Introduces a ban on Member States from providing work authorizations for DPRK nationals, other than those for which written contracts have been finalized prior to the adoption of this resolution (11 September 2017); Expands financial sanctions by prohibiting all joint ventures or cooperative entities or expanding existing joint ventures with DPRK entities or individuals; Directs the 1718 Committee to designate vessels transporting prohibited items from the DPRK; Introduces further clarifications with regard to the call on Member States to inspect vessels with the consent of the flag State, on the high seas, if there are reasonable grounds to believe that the cargo of such vessels contain prohibited items, including specific obligations of the flag State and Member State requirement to report to the Committee of non-cooperation by a flag State; Directs the 1718 Committee to designate additional WMD-related and conventional arms-related items; Designates one additional individual and three entities. |
S/RES/2371 (2017) | Introduces a full ban on coal, iron and iron ore, and adds lead and lead ore to the banned commodities subject to sectoral sanctions. Authorizes the 1718 Committee to designate vessels related to activities prohibited by relevant resolutions, and prohibits port calls by designated vessels and chartering of DPRK flagged vessels. Bans the hiring and paying of additional DPRK laborers used to generate foreign export earnings. Prohibits the export by the DPRK of seafood (including fish, crustaceans, mollusks and other aquatic invertebrates in all forms). Expands financial sanctions by prohibiting new or expanded joint ventures and cooperative commercial entities with the DPRK and clarifies that companies performing financial services are considered financial institutions for the purpose of implementing the relevant sanctions measures, and that paragraph 11 of resolution 2094 (2013) also applies to clearing funds through Member States’ territories. Prohibits the deployment and use of chemical weapons and calls for DPRK’s accession to the CWC. Directs the 1718 Committee to develop appropriate arrangements with INTERPOL to issue Special Notices. Directs the 1718 Committee to designate additional WMD-related and conventional arms-related items. Designates additional 9 individuals and 4 entities and provides updated information on 2 previously designated individuals. |
S/RES/2356 (2017) | Designates additional 14 individuals and 4 entities. |