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I. Relevant Security Council resolutions and Committee Guidelines

The exception to the arms embargo is provided for by the following:

  • Security Council Resolution 2270 (2016): paragraph 8 (a) and (b)

II. What type of exemptions to the arms embargo can be requested?

There are three types of exemptions to the arms embargo:

  • For food or medicine
  • Exclusively for humanitarian purposes or livelihood purposes, which will not be used by DPRK individuals or entities to generate revenue, and also not related to any activities prohibited by the resolutions 1718 (2006), 1874 (2009), 2087 (2013), 2094 (2013), and 2270 (2016) (as determined by the Member State).
  • 1718 Committee case-by-case determination

III. Who notifies the Committee of an exception to the arms embargo?

Member States must notify the Committee in advance of such determination and informs the Committee of measures taken to prevent the diversion of the item for such other purposes.

IV. How to notify the Committee of an exception to the arms embargo?

Please send notifications of exceptions to the arms embargo to:

  • The Chair of the Committee, Her Excellency Mrs. Pascale Christine Baeriswyl (Switzerland), through the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the United Nations

With copy to: