The Committee is supported by a Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It is comprised of six experts and is home-based. The Group of Experts was originally established by resolution 1533 (2004) and was appointed by the Secretary-General to monitor the implementation of the sanctions regime with particular focus on North and South Kivu and Ituri.
The Group is mandated by resolution 2360 (2017) to:
(a) assist the Committee in carrying out its mandate, including through providing the Committee with information relevant to the potential designation of individuals and entities who may be engaging in the activities described in paragraph 2 of this resolution;
(b) gather, examine and analyse information regarding the implementation, with a focus on incidents of non-compliance, of the measures decided in this resolution;
(c) consider and recommend, where appropriate, ways of improving the capabilities of Member States, in particular those in the region, to ensure the measures imposed by this resolution are effectively implemented;
(d) gather, examine and analyse information regarding the regional and international support networks to armed groups and criminal networks in the DRC;
(e) gather, examine and analyse information regarding the supply, sale or transfer of arms, related materiel and related military assistance, including through illicit trafficking networks and the transfer of arms and related materiel to armed groups from the DRC security forces;
(f) gather, examine and analyse information regarding perpetrators of serious violations of international humanitarian law and human rights violations and abuses, including those within the security forces, in the DRC,
(g) evaluate the impact of minerals traceability referred to in paragraph 21 of this resolution and continue collaboration with other forums;
(h) assist the Committee in refining and updating information on the list of individuals and entities subject to the measures imposed by this resolution, including through the provision of identifying information and additional information for the publicly-available narrative summary of reasons for listing;