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1533 Sanctions List

List in alphabetical order

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List by Permanent Reference Number

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By resolution 1533 (2004) Document PDF the Security Council decided to impose individual targeted sanctions (an arms embargo, including training and financial assistance, on individuals and entities; a travel ban on individuals; and an assets freeze on individuals and entities, as designated by the Committee).

The 1533 Sanctions List currently contains the names of 44 individuals and 9 entities. The 1533 Sanctions list was last updated on 20 February 2024.

The Committee works with INTERPOL to produce INTERPOL-United Nations Security Council Special Notices for listed individuals and entities. These notices promote information sharing and implementation of the measures among Member States.

Procedures for Listing

I. Relevant Security Council resolutions / Committee Guidelines

  • Security Council resolution 1533 (2004): paragraph 10
  • Security Council resolution 1807 (2008): paragraph 4
  • Committee Guidelines: Sections 5 and 7

II. Who is entitled to submit listing requests?

The Committee will decide on the designation of individuals and entities on the basis of criteria contained in paragraph 4 of resolution 1857 (2008); a request by a Member State; the list submitted by the Group of Experts pursuant to paragraph 10(g) of resolution 1533 (2004); and on the basis of information conveyed by the Security Council Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict or the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict in pursuance of paragraph 17 of resolution 1698 (2006).

III. What should be included in listing requests?

Listing requests must contain a detailed statement of case in support of the proposed listing and the specific criteria under which the names of individuals and/or entities are being proposed for designation, including:

  1. specific findings and reasoning demonstrating that the listing criteria are met;
  2. nature of the supporting evidence (e.g., intelligence, law enforcement, judicial, media, admissions by subject, etc.);
  3. supporting evidence or documents;
  4. details of any connection with a currently listed individual or entity.

States shall identify those parts of the statement of case that may be publicly released, including for the use by the Committee for development of the narrative summary or for the purpose of notifying or informing the listed individual or entity of the listing, and those parts that may be released upon request to interested States.

To the extent possible, the following specific information should be provided to allow for the positive identification of the individual, group, undertaking or entity concerned by competent authorities, including:

  1. For individuals: family name/surname, given names, other relevant names, date of birth, place of birth, nationality/citizenship, gender, aliases, employment/occupation, residence, addresses, passport or travel document (including date and place of issue as well as expiration date) and national identification number, current and previous addresses, website addresses, and current location;
  2. For groups, undertakings or entities: name, acronyms, address, headquarters, subsidiaries, affiliates, fronts, nature of business or activity, leadership, tax or other identification number and other names by which it is known or was formerly known, and website addresses.

IV. How to make the listing request?

Please address the listing requests to:

  • The Chair of the Committee, His Excellency Mr. Michael Imran Kanu (Sierra Leone) through the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Sierra Leone to the United Nations

With copies to:

V. Decision-making of the Committee

In accordance with Paragraph 5(e) of the Committee Guidelines, the Committee will consider expeditiously requests to update the sanctions list. If a proposal for listing is not approved within the decision-making period as set out in paragraph 4(d) of its Guidelines (five working days), the Committee will provide feedback to the submitting State on the status of the request.

If the Committee approves the listing requests, the Secretariat shall, after publication but within one week after a name is added to the sanctions List, notify the Permanent Mission of the country or countries where the individual or entity is believed to be located and, in the case of individuals, the country of which the person is a national (to the extent this information is known).

Procedures for Delisting

I. Relevant Security Council resolutions /Committee Guidelines

  • Committee Guidelines: Section 7.

II. Who is entitled to submit a delisting request?

Member States may at any time submit to the Committee delisting requests.

A petitioner seeking to submit a request for delisting can do so either directly to the Focal Point for Delisting or through his/her State of residence or nationality.

A State can decide that as a rule, its nationals or residents should address their delisting requests directly to the Focal Point for Delisting. The State will do so by a declaration addressed to the Chairman that will be published on the Committee’s website.

III. What should be included in a delisting request to the Committee?

Delisting requests should contain the following information:

  1. explanation as to why the designation does not or no longer meets the Listing Criteria (through countering the reasons for listing as stated in the narrative summary and the publicly releasable portion of the statement of case for that particular individual or entity);
  2. the designee’s current occupation and/or activities, and any other relevant information;
  3. any documentation supporting the request can be referred to and/or attached together with the explanation of its relevance, where appropriate.

For a deceased individual, the delisting request shall be submitted either directly to the Committee by a State, or through the Focal Point for Delisting by his/her legal beneficiary, together with an official documentation certifying that status. The statement of case supporting the delisting request shall include the following information:

  1. death certificate or similar official documentation confirming the death whenever possible;
  2. whether or not any legal beneficiary of the deceased’s estate or any joint owner of his /her assets is on the Sanctions List as well.

IV. How to make a delisting request?

The delisting requests can be submitted either to the Committee or through the Focal Point for Delisting.

For petitioners choosing to submit a petition to the Focal Point for Delisting, the relevant procedure can be accessed here.

If the petitioner submits the petition to the States of nationality and residence, the following procedure should be followed:

  1. The State to which a petition is submitted (the petitioned State) should review all relevant information and then approach bilaterally the designating State(s) to seek additional information and to hold consultations on the delisting request. To this end, they may approach the Focal Point, which, if the designating State(s) so agree(s), will put them in contact with the designating State(s);
  2. If, after reviewing any additional information, any of these States recommend de-listing, that State will forward its recommendation, either through the Focal Point or directly to the Chairman, accompanied by the State’s explanation. The Chairman will then place the de-listing request on the Committee’s agenda;

V. Decision-making of the Committee

In accordance with Section 7 of Committee Guidelines, the Committee will consider all complete delisting requests.

If the Committee approves the delisting requests, the Secretariat shall, within one week after a name is removed from the Lists, notify the Permanent Mission of the State or States where the individual or entity is believed to be located and, in the case of individuals, the country of which the person is a national (to the extent this information is known). The letter shall remind States receiving such notification that they are required to take measures, in accordance with their domestic laws and practices, to notify or inform the concerned individual or entity of the de-listing in a timely manner.