Without prejudice to available procedures, a petitioner (individual(s) and/or entities on the 1518 Committee's consolidated list) may petition the government of residence and/or citizenship to request review of the case. In this regard, the petitioner should provide justification for the de-listing request, offer relevant information and request support for de-listing;
The government to which a petition is submitted (the petitioned government) should review all relevant information and then, if it appears that the request has merit, approach bilaterally the government(s) originally proposing designation (the designating government(s)) and the Government of Iraq, to seek additional information and to hold consultations on the de-listing request;
The original designating government(s) may also request additional information from the petitioner's country of citizenship or residency, or from the Government of Iraq. The petitioned and the designating government(s) may, as appropriate, consult with the Chairman of the Committee during the course of any such bilateral consultations;
If, after reviewing any additional information, the petitioned government wishes to pursue a de-listing request, it should seek to persuade the designating government(s) to submit jointly or separately a request for de-listing to the Committee. The petitioned government may, without an accompanying request from the original designating government(s), submit a request for de-listing to the Committee, pursuant to the no-objection procedure;
Upon receipt of an application set out in paragraph (d) above, the Committee will invite the Permanent Mission of Iraq to the United Nations to offer its views on the individuals or entity/entities concerned. The Committee takes note in this regard of the note verbale
of the Permanent Mission of Iraq to the UN, dated December 1, 2005, addressed to the Chairman of the Committee;
The Committee will reach decisions by consensus of its members. If consensus cannot be reached on a particular issue, the Chairman will undertake such further consultations as may facilitate agreement. If, after these consultations, consensus still cannot be reached, the matter may be submitted to the Security Council. Given the specific nature of the information, the Chairman may encourage bilateral exchanges between interested Member States in order to clarify the issue prior to a decision.