In accordance with paragraph 13 of resolution 1822 (2008) and subsequent related resolutions, the ISIL (Da'esh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee makes accessible a narrative summary of reasons for the listing for individuals, groups, undertakings and entities included in the ISIL (Da'esh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions List.
Al-Haramayn Foundation (Tanzania) was listed on 26 January 2004 pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 4 of resolution 1455 (2003) as being associated with Al-Qaida (QDe.004), Usama bin Laden (deceased) or the Taliban for “participating in the financing, planning, facilitating, preparing or perpetrating of acts or activities by, in conjunction with, under the name of, on behalf or in support of” Al-Qaida (QDe.004) and Al-Itihaad al-Islamiya (QDe.002).
Al-Haramayn Foundation (Tanzania) provided financial, material and logistical support to the Al-Qaida (QDe.004) network.
Al-Haramayn Foundation (Tanzania) was a branch of the Saudi Arabia-based Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation which presented itself as a private, charitable and educational non-governmental organization. When viewed as a single entity, Al-Haramain was one of the principal NGOs active throughout the world providing support for the Al-Qaida network. Funding generally came from individual benefactors and special campaigns, which targeted selected business entities around the world.
The Al-Haramain branches in Kenya (QDe.105), Tanzania, Pakistan (QDe.104), Afghanistan (QDe.110), Albania (QDe.111), Bangladesh (QDe.112), Ethiopia (QDe.113), the Netherlands (QDe.114), and the Union of the Comoros (QDe.116) have provided financial, material and/or technological support to the Al-Qaida network, including Jemaah Islamiyah (QDe.092), Al-Itihaad al-Islamiya / AIAI (QDe.002), the Egyptian Islamic Jihad (QDe.003) and Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (QDe.118). These terrorist organizations received funding from Al-Haramain and used Al-Haramain as a front for fundraising and operational activities.
AHF offices in Kenya and Tanzania provided support, or acted for or on behalf of AIAI and Al-Qaida. AIAI has shared ideological, financial and training links with Al-Qaida and financial links with several NGOs and companies including AHF, which it used to transfer funds.
A former Tanzanian AHF Director was associated with Usama bin Laden (deceased) and was involved in facilitating the 7 August 1998 bombings of the United States Embassies in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya, which killed over 200 people.
Shortly before the attacks in Kenya and Tanzania, a former AHF official in Tanzania met another conspirator and cautioned the individual against disclosing knowledge of preparations for the attacks. Around the same time, four individuals led by an AHF official were arrested in Europe. They admitted maintaining close ties with the Egyptian Islamic Jihad.
Wadih el-Hage (not listed), a leader of the Al-Qaida cell in East Africa and personal secretary to Usama Bin Laden, visited the Kenya offices of AHF before the 1998 attacks on the United States Embassies in Nairobi and Dar Es Salaam. El-Hage possessed contact information for a senior AHF official who was head of AHF’s Africa Committee, the overseeing authority for AHF’s offices in Kenya and Tanzania.
In early 2003, individuals affiliated with AHF in Tanzania discussed the status of plans for an attack against several hotels in Zanzibar. The scheduled attacks did not take place due to increased security by local authorities, but planning for the attacks remained active.
AHF Tanzania was closed in December 2003. However, AHF reportedly transferred its assets before the closure to other existing non-governmental organizations.