I. Relevant Security Council resolutions /Committee Guidelines
- Security Council resolution 2610 (2021) : paragraphs 63 - 83
- Committee Guidelines: Sections 4 and 7
II. Who is entitled to submit a delisting request?
Member States
Member States may at any time submit to the Committee requests for delisting of individuals and entities inscribed on the ISIL (Da'esh) & Al-Qaida Sanctions List.
Listed individuals and entities
A petitioner seeking to submit a request for delisting can do so directly, or through a representative, by contacting the Office of the Ombudsperson. The website of the Ombudsperson sets out the procedures and requirements for making such a request.
III. What should be included in a delisting request from a Member State to the Committee?
Delisting requests should contain the following information:
- explanation as to why the designation does not or no longer meets the listing criteria (through countering the reasons for listing as stated in the list entry for that particular individual or entity);
- the designee’s current occupation and/or activities, and any other relevant information, such as information on assets;
- any documentation supporting the request can be referred to and/or attached together with the explanation of its relevance, where appropriate.
For a deceased individual, the following information should be included:
- death certificate or similar official documentation confirming the death whenever possible;
- whether or not any legal beneficiary of the deceased’s estate or any joint owner of his /her assets is on the Sanctions Lists.
IV. Decision-making of the Committee
If the Committee approves a delisting request, the Secretariat shall notify the Permanent Mission of the State or States where the individual or entity is believed to be located and, in the case of individuals, the country of which the person is a national or resident (to the extent this information is known).
Member State requests for de-listing
In accordance with Section 7 of the Committee’s Guidelines, the Committee will consider all complete delisting requests. If a delisting request is made by a State that did not propose the name in question for inclusion on the ISIL (Da'esh) & Al-Qaida Sanctions List, then the Committee’s normal decision-making procedures apply and a decision will be taken by consensus.
Member States wishing to propose a Delisting request should use the attached form, which is available in all official languages.
If a de-listing request is made by the State that proposed the name in question for listing (or, if there are multiple designating States, the request is made jointly by all States concerned), then the name will be removed from the List after a fixed time period unless (a) all fifteen members of the Committee are in favour of maintaining the listing; or (b) the matter is referred to the Security Council for a decision. These procedures are set out in more detail in paragraphs 75 - 77 of resolution 2734 (2024).
Please address the de-listing requests to:
- The Chair of the Committee, Her Excellency Mrs. Vanessa Frazier, through the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Malta to the United Nations
- With a copy to: The Secretary of the Committee, Mr. Kiho Cha, Email address: SC-1267-Committee@un.org
De-listing requests submitted through the Office of the Ombudsperson
In cases where the Ombudsperson recommends retaining a name on the ISIL (Da'esh) & Al-Qaida Sanctions List, the measures will remain in place. In cases where the Ombudsperson recommends delisting, the name will removed from the ISIL (Da'esh) & Al-Qaida Sanctions List after a fixed time period unless (a) all fifteen members of the Committee are in favour of maintaining the listing; or (b) the matter is referred to the Security Council for a decision. These procedures are set out in more detail in resolution 2610 (2021) .