S/RES/2159 (2014)
Extends the mandate of the Panel of Experts until 09 July 2015.
Extends the mandate of the Panel of Experts until 09 July 2015.
Extends the mandate of the Panel of Experts until 09 July 2014.
Extends the mandate of the Panel of Experts until 09 July 2013.
Extends the mandate of the Panel of Experts until 09 June 2012.
Establishes a Panel of Experts consisting of eight members to assist the 1737 Committee; decides that Iran shall not acquire an interest in any commercial activity in another State involving uranium mining, production or use of nuclear materials and technology as listed in the UN approved export control list, in particular uranium enrichment and reprocessing activities, all heavy-water activities or technology related to ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons;decides that States are prohibited from direct or indirect supply, sale or transfer to Iran of heavy conventional w
Requires Iran to cease and desist from any and all uranium enrichment. It also requires Iran to stop any research and development associated with centrifuges and uranium enrichment.
Imposes a two-way arms embargo on Iran and steps up the freeze on assets already put in place.
Establishes a Security Council Sanctions Committee (1737 Committee); imposes sanctions on Iran for failing to stop its uranium enrichment programme following resolution 1696 (2006); imposes a ban the supply of nuclear-related technology and materials and imposes assets freeze on key individuals and companies related to the enrichment programme.
Expresses concern at the intentions of Iran’s nuclear programme and demands that Iran halt its uranium enrichment programme.
Extends the mandate of the Panel of Experts until 09 July 2016