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S/PRST/1998/38 29 December 1998 Maintenance of peace and security and post-conflict peacebuilding
S/PRST/1998/37 23 December 1998 Angola
S/PRST/1998/36 11 December 1998 Democratic Republic of the Congo
S/PRST/1998/35 30 November 1998 Africa
S/PRST/1998/34 25 November 1998 Abkhazia, Georgia
S/PRST/1998/33 25 November 1998 Middle East
S/PRST/1998/32 6 November 1998 Croatia
S/PRST/1998/31 6 November 1998 Guinea-Bissau
S/PRST/1998/30 29 September 1998 Protection for humanitarian assistance to refugees and others in conflict situations
S/PRST/1998/29 24 September 1998 Africa
S/PRST/1998/28 16 September 1998 Africa
S/PRST/1998/27 15 September 1998 Afghanistan
S/PRST/1998/26 31 August 1998 Democratic Republic of the Congo
S/PRST/1998/25 24 August 1998 Kosovo
S/PRST/1998/24 6 August 1998 Afghanistan
S/PRST/1998/23 30 July 1998 Middle East
S/PRST/1998/22 14 July 1998 Afghanistan
S/PRST/1998/21 13 July 1998 Occupied Arab territories
S/PRST/1998/20 13 July 1998 Violations of international humanitarian law committed in Zaire/Democratic Republic of the Congo
S/PRST/1998/19 9 July 1998 Croatia
S/PRST/1998/18 29 June 1998 Children and armed conflict
S/PRST/1998/17 29 May 1998 Responsibility of the Security Council in the maintenance of international peace and security
S/PRST/1998/16 28 May 1998 Georgia
S/PRST/1998/15 27 May 1998 Middle East
S/PRST/1998/14 22 May 1998 Angola
S/PRST/1998/13 20 May 1998 Sierra Leone
S/PRST/1998/12 14 May 1998 Responsibility of the Security Council in the maintenance of international peace and security
S/PRST/1998/11 14 May 1998 Iraq and Kuwait
S/PRST/1998/10 22 May 1998 Agreement on Peace, Security and Development on Bougainville
S/PRST/1998/9 6 April 1998 Afghanistan
S/PRST/1998/8 25 March 1998 Haiti
S/PRST/1998/7 19 March 1998 Bosnia and Herzegovina
S/PRST/1998/6 6 March 1998 Croatia
S/PRST/1998/5 26 February 1998 Sierra Leone
S/PRST/1998/4 24 February 1998 Tajikistan
S/PRST/1998/3 13 February 1998 Croatia
S/PRST/1998/2 30 January 1998 Middle East
S/PRST/1998/1 14 January 1998 Iraq and Kuwait