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S/1996/1078 31 December 1996 Credentials of the Representatives and Deputy and Alternate Representatives of the members of the Security Council elected for the period 1997-1998
S/1996/1075 31 December 1996 Security Council Resolution 1066 (1996)
S/1996/1055 17 December 1996 Secretary-General's Mission of Good Offices in Cyprus
S/1996/1042 16 December 1996 Return of Kuwaiti Property Seized by Iraq
S/1996/1027 11 December 1996 Credentials of the Alternate Representative of Poland on the Security Council
S/1996/1017 9 December 1996 Security Council Resolution 1035 (1995)
10 December 1996 United Nations Operation in Cyprus, for the period from 30 June to 10 December 1996
S/1997/1015 9 December 1996 Implementation of Security Council Resolution 986 (1995)
5 December 1996 Situation of Human Rights in Croatia pursuant to Security Council Resolution 1019 (1995) (further report)
S/1996/1010 5 December 1996 Situation in Tajikistan
S/1996/993 29 November 1996 Implementation of Resolution 1078 (1996)
S/1996/978 25 November 1996 Interim Implementation of Security Council Resolution 986 (1995)
S/1996/962 19 November 1996 United Nations Observer Mission in Liberia (20th progress report)
S/1996/961 19 November 1996 United Nations Preventive Deployment Force pursuant to Security Council Resolution 1058 (1996)
S/1996/960/Add.1 19 November 1996 United Nations Angola Verification Mission (UNAVEM III)
18 November 1996 United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (from 18 May to 18 November 1996)
S/1996/953 18 November 1996 Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine
14 November 1996 Security Council Resolution 1070 (1996)
S/1996/913 5 November 1996 Western Sahara
29 October 1996 Situation in Burundi
S/1996/883 26 October 1996 United Nations Transitional Administration
17 October 1996 Nineteenth Progress United Nations Observer Mission in Liberia
S/1996/843 10 October 1996 Situation in Abkahzia, Georgia
S/1996/83 6 February 1996 Further Security Concil Resolutions 1025 (1995) and 1026 (1995)
S/1996/827 4 October 1996 Progress Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Angola Verification Mission (UNAVEM III)
S/1996/821 1 October 1996 United Nations Transitional Administration for Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium
S/1996/820 1 October 1996 Security Council Resolution 1035 (1995)
S/1996/819 30 September 1996 Security Council Resolution 1058 (1996)
1 October 1996 United Nations Support Mission in Haiti
S/1996/801 27 September 1996 United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission (1.April 1996- 23. September 1996)
S/1996/78 1 February 1996 Credential of the Alternate Representatives of Italy on the Security Council
S/1996/766 20 September 1996 Credentials of the Alternative Representative of Poland on the Security Council
S/1996/765 13 September 1996 Credentials of the Alternate Representatives of Germany on the Security Council
S/1996/754 13 September 1996 Situation in Tajikistan
S/1996/753 13 September 1996 Credentials of the Alternate Representatives of Guinea-Bissau on the Secuity Council
S/1995/75 31 January 1996 United Nations Angola Verification Mission (UNAVEM III)
S/1996/709 30 August 1996 Credentials of the Alternate Representative of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on the Security Council
S/1996/705 28 August 1996 United Nations Transitional Administration for Eastern Slavonia , Baranja and Western Sirmium
S/1996/674 20 August 1996 Progress Western Sahara
S/1996/665 16 August 1996 Report of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991
S/1996/660 15 August 1996 Situation in Burundi
S/1996/654 13 August 1996 Credentials of the Alternate Representatives of Germany on the Security Council
S/1996/653 13 August 1996 Credentials of the Deputy Representative of Guinea-Bissau on the Security Council
S/1996/652 13 August 1996 Credentials of the Representative of Guinea-Bissau on the Security Council
S/1996/644 9 August 1996 Security Council Resolution 1065 (1996)
S/1996/622 5 August 1996 United Nations Transitional Administration for Eastern Slavonia Baranja and Western Sirmium
S/1996/612 31 July 1996 Paragraph 13 of Security Council Resolution 883 (1993) concerning the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
S/1996/611 31July 1996 Paragraph 8 of Security Council Resolution 748 (1992) concerning The Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
S/1996/575 20 July 1996 United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, (for the period from 22 January 1996 to 20 July 1996)
S/1996/562 17 July 1996 Credentials of the Alternate Representative of Italy on the Security Council
10 July 1996 Security Council Resolution 1154 (1996)
1 July 1996 Abkhazia, Georgia
S/1996/503 27 June 1996 United Nations Angola Verification Mission (UNAVEM III)
27 June 1996 Security Council Resolution 1038 (1996)
S/1996/5 2 January 1996 Abkhazia, Georgia
S/1996/473 26 June 1996 Credentials of the Alternate Representative of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland on the Security Council
S/1996/472/Add.1 26 June 1996 United Nations Transitional Administration
23 January 1996 Fifteenth Progress United Nations Observer Mission in Liberia
S/1996/467 25 June 1996 Secretary-General's Mission of Good Offices in Cyprus
S/1996/460 21 June 1996 Resolution 1035 (1995)
S/1996/456 21 June 1996 Situation of Human Rights in Croatia pursuant to Security
S/1996/45 22 January 1996 United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon
19 January 1996 Western Sahara
5 June 1996 United Nations Mission in Haiti
S/1996/412 7 June 1996 Situation in Tajikistan (23 March-7 June 1996)
7 June 1996 United Nations Operation in Cyprus : 11 December 1995 to June 1996
S/1996/399 31 May 1996 Credentials of the Alternate Representatives of the Russian Federation on the Security Council
S/1996/373 23 May 1996 Security Council Resolution 1046 (1996)
S/1996/362 21 May 1996 United Nations Observer Mission in Liberia (17th progress report)
S/1996/343 8 May 1996 Western Sahara
S/1996/335 3 May 1996 Burundi
S/1996/324 29 April 1996 Credentials of the Alternate Representatives of the Russian Federation on the Security Council
15 April 1996 Implementation of Resolution 1050 (1996)
S/1996/285 15 April 1996 Credentials of the Deputy Representative of Guinea-Bissau on the Security Council
S/1996/284 15 April 1996 Abkhazia, Georgia
4 April 1996 United Nations Angola Verification Mission (UNAVEM III)
S/1996/225 1 April 1996 United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission (1 October 1995- 31 March 1996)
S/1996/212 22 March 1996 Tajikistan
29 March 1996 Report pursuant to Resolution 1035 (1995)
S/1996/180 12 March 1996 Security Council Resolution 1038 (1996)
6 March 1996 United Nations Angola Verification Mission (UNAVEM III)
S/1996/149 29 February 1996 United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda
S/1996/116 15 February 1996 Situation in Burundi
S/1996/112 14 February 1996 United Nations Mission in Haiti
S/1996/109 14 February 1996 Situation of Human Rights in Croatia pursuant to Security Council Resolution 1019 (1995) (further report)