Tables, Graphs and Data
This page provides links to tables on procedural and constitutional topics relating to the practice of the Security Council that were included in the volumes of the Repertoire in different periods. It also includes new tables, graphs and other data sets that provide information over larger periods spanning multiple volumes of the Repertoire. This section will be updated with new data sets and tables as they are completed.
Key Information
Field Missions Dashboard
Categorizes the mandates of current peacekeeping, peacebuilding and special political missions authorized by the Security Council.
Women and Peace and Security
All relevant provisions since 2000 relating to women, peace and security.
Children and Armed Conflict
All relevant provisions since 1999 relating to children and armed conflict.
Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict
All relevant provisions since 1999 relating to protection of civilians in armed conflict.
Security Council Membership Dashboard
Provides an overview of the composition of the Security Council since 1946, allowing users to visualize the data by year and by elected members.
Women at the Security Council Dashboard
Participation of women in the main areas of Security Council's work since 2015
Subsidiary Organs Chairs and Vice-Chairs Dashboard
Features data on Chairs and Vice-chairs of the Security Council committees and working groups since 1999
Arria-formula Meetings Dashboard
Features data on Arria-formula meetings, their subjects and organizers since 1992
- Meetings and consultations (2001-2024)
- Meetings held away from Headquarters (1946-2024)
- All Agenda items by first appearance (1946-2024)
- Resolutions adopted under Chapter VII of the Charter (1995-2024)
- Informal interactive dialogues and other informal meetings of the Security Council (1996-2024)
- “Arria-formula” meetings convened by the member(s) of the Security Council (1992-2024)