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S/2020/1332 29 January 2021 International Commission of Inquiry on Mali
S/2020/1301 29 December 2020 United Nations Verification Mission in Colombia
S/2020/1293 24 December 2020 Report on the activities of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel
S/2020/1281 28 December 2020 Situation in Mali
S/2020/1243 17 December 2020 Children and armed conflict in Myanmar
S/2020/1234 16 December 2020 Implementation of Security Council resolution 2334 (2016)
S/2020/1205 14 December 2020 Children and armed conflict in South Sudan
S/2020/1195 11 December 2020

Implementation of Security Council resolutions 2139 (2014), 2165 (2014), 2191 (2014), 2258 (2015), 2332 (2016), 2393 (2017), 2401 (2018), 2449 (2018), 2504 (2020) and 2533 (2020)

S/2020/1182 9 December 2020 The situation in Afghanistan and its implications for international peace and security
S/2020/1180 9 December 2020 Situation in South Sudan
S/2020/1177 7 December 2020 Implementation of Security Council resolution 2231 (2015)
S/2020/1159 2 December 2020 United Nations Disengagement Observer Force
S/2020/1155 1 December 2020 Situation in the Sudan and the activities of the United Nations Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in the Sudan
S/2020/1154 1 December 2020 The situation in Central Africa and the activities of the United Nations Regional Office for Central Africa
S/2020/1152 30 November 2020 Eighty-sixth monthly report of the Director General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) (Letter)
S/2020/1150 30 November 2020 United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
S/2020/1115 13 November 2020 Special Report of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission and the Secretary-General of the United Nations on the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur and a follow-on presence
S/2020/1113 13 November 2020 Situation in Somalia
S/2020/1110 12 November 2020 Implementation of Security Council resolution 1701 (2006) during the period from 17 June to 20 October 2020
S/2020/1105 11 November 2020 Children and armed conflict in Mali
S/2020/1099 10 November 2020 Implementation of resolution 2522 (2020)
S/2020/1089 6 November 2020 Implementation of paragraph 4 of Security Council resolution 2107 (2013)
S/2020/1074 2 November 2020 Joint Force of the Group of Five for the Sahel
S/2020/1072 2 November 2020 The situation with respect to piracy and armed robbery at sea off the coast of Somalia
S/2020/1067 31 October 2020 Implementation of paragraph 5 of resolution 2521 (2020)
S/2020/1056 29 October 2020 Eighty-fifth monthly report of the Director General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) (Letter)
S/2020/1052 28 October 2020 Fifty-eighth report on the implementation of the Peace Agreement on Bosnia and Herzegovina (letter)
S/2020/1032 20 October 2020 Implementation of Security Council resolution 1559 (2004)
S/2020/1031 14 October 2020 Implementation of Security Council resolutions 2139 (2014), 2165 (2014), 2191 (2014), 2258 (2015), 2332 (2016), 2393 (2017), 2401 (2018), 2449 (2018), 2504 (2020) and 2533 (2020)
S/2020/1030 19 October 2020 Children and armed conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
S/2020/1019 15 October 2020 Situation in Abyei
S/2020/994 12 October 2020 Central African Republic
S/2020/964 1 October 2020 United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo
S/2020/952 29 September 2020 Situation in Mali
S/2020/951 29 September 2020 Implementation of the Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework for the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Region
S/2020/946 25 September 2020 Women and peace and security
S/2020/945 25 September 2020 United Nations Disengagement Observer Force
S/2020/944 25 September 2020 United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti
S/2020/943 25 September 2020 United Nations Verification Mission in Colombia
S/2020/938 23 September 2020 Situation concerning Western Sahara
S/2020/919 21 September 2020 United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
S/2020/912 17 September 2020 Report on the situation in the Sudan and the activities of the United Nations Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in the Sudan
S/2020/898 11 September 2020 Cooperation between the United Nations and regional and other organizations
S/2020/890 8 September 2020 Situation in South Sudan
S/2020/876 2 September 2020 Implementation of resolution 2491 (2019)
S/2020/860 31 August 2020 Report on strengthening the partnership between the United Nations and the African Union on issues of peace and security in Africa, including on the work of the United Nations Office to the African Union
S/2020/834 25 August 2020 Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine
S/2020/832 25 August 2020 United Nations Support Mission in Libya
S/2020/818 20 August 2020 Progress made with regard to the stabilization and restoration of constitutional order in Guinea-Bissau
S/2020/813 20 August 2020 Implementation of Security Council resolutions 2139 (2014), 2165 (2014), 2191 (2014), 2258 (2015), 2332 (2016), 2393 (2017), 2401 (2018), 2449 (2018), 2504 (2020) and 2533 (2020)
S/2020/809 18 August 2020 The situation in Afghanistan and its implications for international peace and security
S/2020/798 13 August 2020 Situation in Somalia
S/2020/792 11 August 2020

Implementation of resolution 2522 (2020)

S/2020/777 4 August 2020 Children and armed conflict in the Philippines
S/2020/774 4 August 2020 Eleventh report on the threat posed by ISIL (Da’esh) to international peace and security and the range of United Nations efforts in support of Member States in countering the threat
S/2020/773 30 July 2020 Peacebuilding and sustaining peace
S/2020/769 3 August 2020 Eighty-second monthly report of the Director-General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) (Letter)
S/2020/755 29 July 2020 Developments in Guinea-Bissau and the activities of the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in Guinea-Bissau
S/2020/754 29 July 2020

Action taken by Member States and United Nations entities to address the issue of linkages between terrorism and organized crime

S/2020/753 29 July 2020 Implementation of paragraph 4 of Security Council resolution 2107 (2013)
S/2020/710 14 July 2020 Implementation of Security Council resolution 1701 (2006) during the period from 19 February to 16 June 2020
S/2020/685 13 July 2020 Report of the Secretary-General on his mission of good offices in Cyprus
S/2020/682 10 July 2020 United Nations operation in Cyprus
S/2020/652 6 July 2020 Children and armed conflict in Nigeria
S/2020/620 30 June 2020 Eighty-first monthly report of the Director General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) (Letter)
S/2020/614 29 June 2020 Children and armed conflict in the Sudan
S/2020/610 29 June 2020 Implementation of paragraph 6 of resolution 1956 (2010)
S/2020/603 26 June 2020 United Nations Verification Mission in Colombia
S/2020/585 24 June 2020 Activities of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel
S/2020/576 24 June 2020 Implementation of Security Council resolutions 2139 (2014), 2165 (2014), 2191 (2014), 2258 (2015), 2332 (2016), 2393 (2017), 2401 (2018), 2449 (2018) and 2504 (2020)
S/2020/555 18 June 2020 Implementation of Security Council resolution 2334 (2016)
S/2020/554 18 June 2020 United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
S/2020/549 17 June 2020 The situation in Afghanistan and its implications for international peace and security
S/2020/545 16 June 2020 Central African Republic
S/2020/537 15 June 2020 United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti
S/2020/536 15 June 2020 Situation in South Sudan
S/2020/531 11 June 2020 Implementation of Security Council resolution 2231 (2015)
S/2020/525 9 June 2020 Children and armed conflict
S/2020/506 8 June 2020 United Nations Disengagement Observer Force
S/2020/476 2 June 2020 Situation in Mali
S/2020/473 1 June 2020 United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon
S/2020/463 29 May 2020 The situation in Central Africa and the activities of the United Nations Regional Office for Central Africa
S/2020/456 29 May 2020 Eightieth monthly report of the Director-General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) (Letter)
S/2020/401 14 May 2020 Review of United Nations humanitarian cross-line and cross-border operations
S/2020/398 13 May 2020 Situation in Somalia
S/2020/393 15 May 2020 Implementation of resolution 2473 (2019)
S/2020/373 8 May 2020 Joint Force of the Group of Five for the Sahel
S/2020/363 6 May 2020 Implementation of resolution 2470 (2019)
S/2020/360 5 May 2020 United Nations Support Mission in Libya
S/2020/358 5 May 2020 Implementation of paragraph 4 of Security Council resolution 2107 (2013)
S/2020/348 04 May 2020 Seventy-ninth monthly report of the Director-General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) (Letter)
S/2020/345 04 May 2020 Fifty-seventh report on the implementation of the Peace Agreement on Bosnia and Herzegovina (letter)
S/2020/329 30 April 2020 Implementation of Security Council resolution 1559 (2004)
S/2020/327 23 April 2020 Implementation of Security Council resolutions 2139 (2014), 2165 (2014), 2191 (2014), 2258 (2015), 2332 (2016), 2393 (2017), 2401 (2018), 2449 (2018) and 2504 (2020)
S/2020/308 16 April 2020

Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei

S/2020/310 15 April 2020 First report of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Investigation and Identification Team
S/2020/275 6 April 2020

Implementation of resolution 2491 (2019)

S/2020/272 3 April 2020

Implementation of the Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework for the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Region

S/2020/262 1 April 2020 Seventy-eighth monthly report of the Director-General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) (Letter)
S/2020/255 31 March 2020

United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo

S/2020/239 26 March 2020

United Nations Verification Mission in Colombia

S/2020/223 20 March 2020

Situation in Mali

S/2020/219 20 March 2020

United Nations Disengagement Observer Force

S/2020/214 18 March 2020

United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

S/2020/210 17 March 2020

The situation in Afghanistan and its implications for international peace and security

S/2020/202 12 March 2020

Special report of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission and the Secretary-General of the United Nations on the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur and a follow-on presence

S/2020/195 10 March 2020

Implementation of Security Council resolution 1701 (2006) during the period from 1 November 2019 to 18 February 2020

S/2020/174 4 March 2020

Children and armed conflict in Somalia

S/2020/167 2 March 2020

Youth and peace and security

S/2020/164 2 March 2020

Seventy-seventh monthly report of the Director-General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) (Letter)

S/2020/147 26 February 2020

Forty-ninth report on the activities of the European Union Military Operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Letter)

S/2020/145 26 February 2020

Situation in South Sudan

S/2020/141 21 February 2020

Implementation of Security Council resolutions 2139 (2014), 2165 (2014), 2191 (2014), 2258 (2015), 2332 (2016), 2393 (2017), 2401 (2018), 2449 (2018) and 2504 (2020)

S/2020/140 21 February 2020

Implementation of resolution 2470 (2019)

S/2020/139 21 February 2020

Review of alternative modalities for the border crossing of Ya‘rubiyah

S/2020/133 20 February 2020

Implementation of paragraph 4 of Security Council resolution 2107 (2013)

S/2020/124 14 February 2020

Central African Republic

S/2020/123 13 February 2020

United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti


13 February 2020

Situation in Somalia

S/2020/105 6 February 2020

Developments in Guinea-Bissau and the activities of the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in Guinea Bissau

S/2020/95 4 February 2020

Tenth report on the threat posed by ISIL (Da’esh) to international peace and security and the range of United Nations efforts in support of Member States in countering the threat

S/2020/82 30 January 2020

Seventy-sixth monthly report of the Director-General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) (Letter)

S/2020/41 15 January 2020

United Nations Support Mission in Libya

S/2020/23 7 January 2020 Cyprus