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The Security Council Membership Dashboard is elaborated by the Security Council Affairs Division as an interactive information resource. It provides an overview of the composition of the Security Council since 1946, allowing users to visualize the data by year and by elected members. It is updated on an annual basis following the election by the General Assembly in accordance with Article 23 of the Charter of the United Nations (last update: 6 June 2024).

The names of states Members of the Security Council have been spelled out as they were commonly in use in the years concerned and some have been abbreviated. The designations shown in this dashboard do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations, nor do they reflect any position of the Security Council.

How to Navigate

  • Select a year to view the full membership of the Security Council for that particular period
  • Apply filter by elected member(s) to see all terms that a particular country has served on the Security Council as well as the monthly presidencies
  • Hover over elected members to view the relevant regional group(s) further to General Assembly resolution 1991 (XVIII)
  • Scroll through elected members to view the aggregate number of years served on the Security Council