The Charter of the United Nations defines the constitutional framework within which the Security Council carries out its responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security.
Based on extensive review of the deliberations of the Council, its decisions and other official documentation before it, the Repertoire provides an official record of the Council’s interpretation and application of the substantive Charter Articles relevant to the Security Council.
Each Supplement to the Repertoire covers material on the evolving practice of the Council with regard to the purposes and principles of the United Nations (Chapter I, Articles 1 and 2); the functions and powers of the Council (Chapter V, Articles 24 to 26); its mechanisms and efforts in the pacific settlement of disputes (Chapter IV, Article 11; Chapter VI, Articles 33 to 38; Chapter XV, Article 99); the framework within which the Council may take enforcement action (Chapter VII, Articles 39 to 51); and the Council’s practice with regard to the involvement of regional organizations in the maintenance of international peace and security (Chapter VIII, Articles 52 to 54). Material included under “Other Chapters” covers miscellaneous provisions (Chapter XVI, Articles 102 and 103), as well as transitional security arrangements (Chapter XVII, Articles 106 and 107).
- Purposes and Principles of the United Nations
- Functions and Powers of the Security Council
- Pacific Settlements of Disputes (Chapter VI)
- Actions with Respect to Threats to the Peace, Breaches of the Peace, and Acts of Aggression (Chapter VII)
- Regional Arrangements (Chapter VIII)
- Other Chapters of the Charter
- Meetings and consultations (2001-2024)
- Meetings held away from Headquarters (1946-2024)
- All Agenda items by first appearance (1946-2024)
- Resolutions adopted under Chapter VII of the Charter (1995-2024)
- Informal interactive dialogues and other informal meetings of the Security Council (1996-2024)
- “Arria-formula” meetings convened by the member(s) of the Security Council (1992-2024)