S/2010/691 | 31 December 2010 | Organizational Committee of Peacebuilding Commission | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/680 | 30 December 2010 | Working Group on children and armed conflict | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/678 | 30 December 2010 | Appointment of Ms. Karin Landgren (Sweden) as Special Representative in Burundi and Head of the United Nations Office in Burundi | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/677 | 30 December 2010 | United Nations Integrated Office in Burundi (BINUB) and United Nations Office in Burundi (BNUB) | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/667 | 23 December 2010 | Security arrangements for the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/666 | 23 December 2010 | Security arrangements for the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/665 | 23 December 2010 | Appointment of Mr. Mike Smith (Australia) as Executive Director of the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/664 | 23 December 2010 | Appointment of Mr. Mike Smith (Australia) as Executive Director of the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/663 | 21 December 2010 | United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan, Major General Raul Gloodtdofsky Fernandez (Uruguay) as Chief Military Observer | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/662 | 21 December 2010 | United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan, Major General Raul Gloodtdofsky Fernandez (Uruguay) as Chief Military Observer | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/661 | 10 December 2010 | Mandate of the United Nations Office for West Africa | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/660 | 20 December 2010 | Sixth report on the activities of the United Nations Office for West Africa | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/657 | 29 December 2010 | International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/638 | 10 December 2010 | Cameroon-Nigeria Mixed Commission | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/637 | 10 December 2010 | Progress made by the Cameroon-Nigeria Mixed Commission | Letter from the Secretary-General - |
S/2010/619 | 8 December 2010 | Note by the Secretary-General on the arrangements for the termination of the operations related to the letters of credit issued against the United Nations Iraq Account pursuant to Security Council resolution 1483 (2003) | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/610 | 1 December 2010 | Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/601 | 24 November 2010 | United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI), Intermission Cooperation | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/599 | 24 November 2010 | International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/598 | 24 November 2010 | International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/576 | 8 November 2010 | Resolution 1737 (2006), Panel of Experts | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/575 | 8 November 2010 | Thirty-eighth report of the High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina (1 May, 15 October 2010) | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/561 | 29 October 2010 | Special Court for Sierra Leone | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/560 | 29 October 2010 | Special Court for Sierra Leone | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/548 | 22 October 2010 | International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/542 | 19 October 2010 | International Security Assistance Force mandate | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/527 | 14 October 2010 | Panel of Experts established pursuant to Security Council resolution 1874 (2009) | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/524 | 13 October 2010 | Major General Muhammad Khalid (Pakistan), Force Commander of the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) | Letter from the President of the Security Council Force |
S/2010/523 | 13 October 2010 | Major General Muhammad Khalid (Pakistan), Force Commander of the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/521 | 12 October 2010 | Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/513 | 20 October 2010 | President Byron requests | Identical letters from the Secretary- General |
S/2010/510 | 5 October 2010 | European Union military mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/509 | 4 October 2010 | Terms of Reference of the Security Mission to Uganda and the Sudan | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/493 | 24 September 2010 | Côte d'Ivoire, elections | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/492 | 22 September 2010 | Sudan, Panel/Southern Sudan referendum | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/491 | 22 September 2010 | Sudan, Panel/Southern Sudan referendum | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/487 | 17 September 2010 | Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/486 | 17 September 2010 | United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI) | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/485 | 17 September 2010 | United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI) | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/474 | 14 September 2010 | Nepal | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/473 | 14 September 2010 | Nepal | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/465 | 7 September 2010 | Non-proliferation/Iran, IAEA report | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/457 | 30 August 2010 | United Nations regional office for Central Africa | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/456 | 31 August 2010 | Internetaional Criminal Court (ICC) decision, Omar Al-Bashir | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/452 | 26 August 2010 | Somalia, Appointment of Special Adviser on legal issues related to piracy off the coast of Somalia | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/451 | 25 August 2010 | Somalia, Appointment of Special Adviser on legal issues related to piracy off the coast of Somalia | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/437 | 19 August 2010 | Afghanistan, NATO quarterly report on the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) operations (February to April 2010) | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/434 | 16 August 2010 | United Nations Office to the African Union, Head of Office | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/433 | 16 August 2010 | United Nations Office to the African Union, Head of Office | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/430 | 12 August 2010 | United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), Mandate | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/417 | 3 August 2010 | Resolution 1888, Response Extension of Report | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/416 | 29 July 2010 | Resolution 1888, Request for extension of Report | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/414 | 3 August 2010 | Panel of Inquiry on the flotilla incident | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/385 | 15 July 2010 | Special Court for Sierra Leone | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/384 | 15 July 2010 | Special Court for Sierra Leone | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/378 | 12 July 2010 | Iraq-Kuwait, Resources to finance the activities of the High-level Coordinator | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/377 | 16 July 2010 | Iraq-Kuwait, Resources sufficient to finance the activities of the High-level Coordinator | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/376 | 12 July 2010 | Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1718 (2006), Experts | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/368 | 8 July 2010 | Democratic Republic of the Congo, MONUC/MONUSCO, Force Commander | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/367 | 8 July 2010 | Democratic Republic of the Congo, MONUC/MONUSCO, Force Commander | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/357 | 6 July 2010 | Security Council Committee pursuant to resolutions 751 (1992) and 1907 (2009) concerning Somalia and Eritrea, Experts | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/353 | 1 July 2010 | Afghanistan, report of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/337 | 25 June 2010 | Democratic Republic of the Congo, Group of Experts | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/325 | 21 June 2010 | Afghanistan Mission, Terms of Reference | Letter from the President of the Security Council dated |
S/2010/305 | 9 June 2010 | Force Commander of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan (UNMIS) | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/304 | 9 June 2010 | Special Representative for the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Head of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC) | Letter from thePresident of the Security Council |
S/2010/303 | 9 June 2010 | Special Representative for the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Head of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC) | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/302 | 9 June 2010 | Special Representative for Somalia and Head of the United Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS) | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/301 | 9 June 2010 | Special Representative for Somalia and Head of the United Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS) | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/293 | 8 June 2010 | Special Representative for the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad (MINURCAT) | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/292 | 8 June 2010 | Special Representative for the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad (MINURCAT) | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/282 | 4 June 2010 | Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999), Office of the Ombudsperson | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/265 | 1 June 2010 | Registrar of the International Criminal Court | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/261 | 28 May 2010 | Special Representative in Cyprus and head of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/260 | 28 May 2010 | Special Representative in Cyprus and head of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/254 | 26 May 2010 | United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/229 | 5 May 2010 | United Nations Mission in Nepal, mandate | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/221 | 29 April 2010 | United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire, mandate | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/220 | 29 April 2010 | United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire, mandate | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/207 | 26 April 2010 | Group of Experts, Democratic Republic of the Congo | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/197 | 20 April 2010 | Monthly report to the United Nations on the operations of the Kosovo Force | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/187 | 14 April 2010 | Security Council Mission to Africa, Democratic Republic of the Congo | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/161 | 29 March 2010 | Haiti, Special Representative and Head of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/160 | 29 March 2010 | Haiti, Special Representative and Head of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/159 | 25 March 2010 | Special Tribunal, Lebanon | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/157 | 25 March 2010 | Burundi, Executive Representative and Head of the United Nations Integrated Office in Burundi (BINUB) | Letter from the President of the Security Councill |
S/2010/154 | 23 March 2010 | Feasibility study on the creation of information centres on the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in the former Yugoslavia | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/156 | 25 March 2010 | Burundi, Executive Representative for Burundi and Head of the United Nations Integrated Office in Burundi (BINUB) | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/150 | 23 March 2010 | Letter of the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/140 | 17 March 2010 | Panel of Experts, Sudan | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/133 | 16 March 2010 | International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) Letter | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/132 | 11 March 2010 | Major General Luiz Guilherme Paul Cruz (Brazil) as Force Commander of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/131 | 11 March 2010 | Major General Luiz Guilherme Paul Cruz (Brazil) as Force Commander of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/129 | 11 March 2010 | Mandate of the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad (MINURCAT) | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/113 | 4 March 2010 | EUFOR Report | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/103 S/2011/279 |
2 March 2010 2 May 2011 |
Mr. Antti Turunen (Finland), United Nations Representative Appointment of Mr. Antti Turunen Finland, United Nations Representative to the Joint Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism |
Letter from the Secretary-General Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/99 | 1 March 2010 | Democratic Republic of the Congo/Group of experts | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/86 | 16 February 2010 | United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), Lebanon | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/79 | 11 February 2010 | Panel of Experts, Liberia | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/72 | 4 February 2010 | Mandate of the High-level Coordinator for missing Kuwaitis and third-country citizens and missing Kuwaiti property | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/63 | 27 January 2010 | Ms. Margot Wallström, Special Representative of the Secretary-General on sexual violence in conflict | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/62 | 2 February 2010 | Ms. Margot Wallström, Special Representative of the Secretary-General on sexual violence in conflict | Letter from the President of the SecurityCouncil |
S/2010/58 | 1 February 2010 | Haile Menkerios, Special Representative for the Sudan | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/57 | 1 February 2010 | Haile Menkerios, Special Representative for the Sudan | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/56 | 1 February 2010 | Appointment of Major General Natalio C. Ecarma of the Philippines as the Head of Mission and Force Commander of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/55 | 1 February 2010 | Appointment of Major General Natalio C. Ecarma of the Philippines as the Head of Mission and Force Commander of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/48 | 27 January 2010 | Mr. Staffan de Mistura, Special Representative for Afghanistan and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/47 | 27 January 2010 | Mr. Staffan de Mistura, Special Representative for Afghanistan and Head of United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/46 | 26 January 2010 | Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict/Sudan conclusions | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/45 | 26 January 2010 | Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict/Burundi conclusions | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/42 | 25 January 2010 | Côte d'Ivoire/UNOCI | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/39 | 22 January 2010 | Gaza Strip/Board of Inquiry | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/38 | 22 January 2010 | United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/35 | 20 January 2010 | Afghanistan/International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/25 | 14 January 2010 | Nepal/UNMIN | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/24 | 13 January 2010 | Haiti, Acting Special Representative and Head of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/23 | 13 January 2010 | Haiti, Acting Special Representative and Head of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) | Letter from the Secretary-General |
S/2010/8 | 6 January 2010 | Commission of Inquiry into the facts and circumstances of the assassination of the former Pakistani Prime Minister Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto | Letter from the President of the Security Council |
S/2010/7 | 6 January 2010 | Commission of Inquiry into the facts and circumstances of the assassination of the former Pakistani Prime Minister Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto | Letter from the Secretary-General |