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Below you can see the list of all countries, totaling 60, which have never been elected as members of the Security Council since 1946.

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Andorra
  3. Antigua and Barbuda
  4. Armenia
  5. Bahamas
  6. Barbados
  7. Belize
  8. Bhutan
  9. Brunei Darussalam
  10. Cambodia
  11. Central African Republic
  12. Comoros
  13. Cyprus
  14. Democratic People's Republic of Korea
  15. Dominica
  16. El Salvador
  17. Eritrea
  18. Fiji
  19. Georgia
  20. Grenada
  21. Haiti
  22. Iceland
  23. Israel
  24. Kiribati
  25. Kyrgyzstan
  26. Lao People's Democratic Republic
  27. Latvia
  28. Lesotho
  29. Liechtenstein
  30. Malawi
  31. Maldives
  32. Marshall Islands
  33. Micronesia (Federated States of)
  34. Monaco
  35. Mongolia
  36. Montenegro
  37. Myanmar
  38. Nauru
  39. North Macedonia
  40. Palau
  41. Papua New Guinea
  42. Republic of Moldova
  43. Saint Kitts and Nevis
  44. Saint Lucia
  45. Samoa
  46. San Marino
  47. Sao Tome and Principe
  48. Serbia
  49. Seychelles
  50. Solomon Islands
  51. South Sudan
  52. Suriname
  53. Swaziland
  54. Tajikistan
  55. Timor-Leste
  56. Tonga
  57. Turkmenistan
  58. Tuvalu
  59. Uzbekistan
  60. Vanuatu